A downloadable game

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Resist the different enemy hordes in each room in this arcade game influenced by games like Gauntlet, Smash TV and Onslaught Arena.

Collect powerups that will improve your weapons, give you more lives or temporary invulnerability.

Dodge the spikes on the ground, the falling blades from the ceiling while you defeat your opponents.

  • 4 difficulty levels
  • 8 types of enemies
  • Obstacles such as spikes, arrows and blades
  • 4 types of powerups
  • 4 types of weapons

(Update 20240420) Included list-view icon (SDK2.0_20221015_Arena.pdx.zip)

(Update 1.1 20221015) Fixed problem with save last and hi score if game finish and the player doesn't continue game. Thanks to Adamantibus for find it!.

Music created by Víctor (https://snabisch.itch.io)

Graphics created by Kacper Woźniak (https://thkaspar.itch.io)

Coded in LUA using PlayDate's SDK.

Programmed by Oscar BraindeaD, 2022


Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
TagsArcade, arena, Black and White, classic, gauntlet, Playdate


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

20221015_Arena.pdx.zip 697 kB
SDK2.0_20221015_Arena.pdx.zip 695 kB


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(1 edit)

Edit - sorry it's working now :)

hmmm - the new list icon doesn't seem to have worked on Arena (tried twice) - they look really great on all the other Onebit games though!

(1 edit)

perfect! Thanks for testing and comment!

Fun little dungeon game. Just a bit confused on what B does

Hi! thanks for playing and comment. While you are pressing B button, you can fire and aim using dpad without move the player position. Just aiming and fire. Pressing A button fires without stop your player movement

Me encanta ese estilo gráfico.

Gracias, Snabisch!

Que bueno!

Gracias, Duefectu! abandona el Basic y pásate al lado oscuro del LUA!!! :)

Te equivocas, el lado oscuro es el retro!!! xxD

Love the game but it won't save my high score.

Hi adamantibus! Thanks for playing. Not sure what is the problem with saves. Are you playing in real device or in the simulator? In simulator it works well. It's weird, no one else has reported problems with savestate...

I play on the device and the HI is always 100 and LAST remains 0.

(1 edit)

You are right, there was a problem and doesn't save the hi and last score if the game finish and the player doesn't continue. It must be fixed now, please download the game again. Thanks for your help! 

Hiya, the buildNumber is the same, so it needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled.

My fault! when i fix the next bug i will fix the build id. Hiscore recording works fine now, right?

Deleted post

Thanks for playing and comment! Hey, reach level 8 is really good for firsts playings! Best regards!